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Best Universities in Surabaya According to EduRank 2024

Best Universities in Surabaya According to EduRank 2024

Best Universities in Surabaya According to EduRank 2024 – EduRank ranks universities based on various factors such as quality of education, facilities, research and reputation. In Surabaya, there are several leading universities which are the choice of many prospective students. Following are some of the best universities in Surabaya according to EduRank.

Best Universities in Surabaya

1. Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)

ITS is one of the leading universities in Surabaya, especially in the fields of technology and engineering. Founded in 1957, ITS offers various study programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The university has comprehensive research facilities and strong links with industry.

2. Airlangga University (UNAIR)

UNAIR is one of the largest universities in Indonesia and is ranked high on EduRank. Founded in 1954, UNAIR offers various study programs in various disciplines such as medicine, law, economics and social sciences. UNAIR is also known for its quality research and collaboration with various international institutions.

3. Petra Christian University (UK Petra)

UK Petra is a leading private university in Surabaya which was founded in 1961. The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of study including engineering, social sciences, art and design, and business. UK Petra is known for its quality education and contribution to community development through community service programs.

4. University of Surabaya (UBAYA)

UBAYA is one of the leading private universities in Surabaya which was founded in 1968. UBAYA offers study programs in various fields such as business, engineering, medicine and law. The university is also active in research and has strong connections with industry.

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5. Adhi Tama Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITATS)

ITATS is a private technology institute in Surabaya that focuses on engineering and engineering. Founded in 1964, ITATS offers undergraduate and graduate programs related to information technology, civil engineering, and electrical engineering. ITATS is known for its curriculum that meets current industry demands.

6. East Java “Veteran” National Development University (UPNVJ)

UPNVJ is a state university in Surabaya which focuses on national development through education and research. This university offers study programs in various fields such as engineering, economics, and social sciences. UPNVJ also has research facilities that support students and academic staff.

7. Ciputra University (UC)

UC is a private university based in Surabaya which was founded in 2006. UC offers study programs in the fields of business, design, information technology and entrepreneurship. The university is known for its innovative educational approach and collaboration with industry.

8. Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (UKWMS)

UKWMS is a Catholic university in Surabaya which was founded in 1960. This university offers study programs in various fields such as engineering, economics and education. UKWMS is also active in community development through service programs and collaboration with various international institutions.

9. Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya (UINSA)

UINSA is a state Islamic university in Surabaya which offers study programs in the fields of Islamic, scientific and social sciences. This university has a good reputation in Islamic education and contributes to scientific development in Indonesia.

10. National Institute of Science and Technology (ISTN)

ISTN is a private technology institute in Surabaya that focuses on the field of information and computer technology. The institute offers study programs related to information technology, graphic design, and technology management.

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